SAP HANA Housekeeping using HANACleaner
I try shortly show You how can You use HANAClenaer script to perform regular cleanup activities – both manually and from the scheduler.
HANAClenaer is Python script, which You can downloaded here.
When You downloaded script, put it in this localization:
/usr/sap/SID/HDBXX/exe/python_support -- where XX is Your instance number -- OR -- when You log in OS to HANA system on sidadm try use command: cdpy
SAP HANACleaner can be used for the following cleanup tasks:
Task | SAP Note |
Cleanup of backup catalog entries | 2096851 |
Cleanup of backups | 1642148 |
Cleanup of trace files | 2380176 |
Cleanup of backup.log and backint.log | 1642148 |
Cleanup of audit logs | 2159014 |
Cleanup of SAP HANA alerts | 2147247 |
Cleanup of free log segments | 2083715 |
Cleanup of internal events | 2147247 |
Cleanup of multiple row store containers | 2222277 |
Cleanup of data file fragmentation | 1870858 |
Cleanup of SAP HANACleaner logs | 2399996 |
Cleanup of arbitrary directories (e.g. SAP HANASitter logs) | 2399979 |
Creation of optimizer statistics for virtual tables (e.g. SDA) | 1872652 |
Optimize compression of tables not compressed | 2112604 |
Optimize compression of tables with columns not compressed | 2112604 |
Optimize compression of tables with large UDIV overhead | 2112604 |
Cleanup of object lock history for ‘(unknown)’ objects | 1999998 |
Help for this tool You can run in this way:
hostname>cdpy hostname>./python --help
Before You will can use this tool add Your HANA user to hdbuserstore or other specific user. You can check entries hdbuserstore using below command:
-- log on sidadm hostname>hdbuserstore LIST
To add Your user to store use below command:
hostname>hdbuserstore Set <KEY> <ENV>[@<DATABASE>] <USERNAME> <PASSWORD> -- where: -- <KEY> -> entry key name -- <ENV> -> database location (host:port) -- <USERNAME> -> user name -- <PASSWORD> -> password
When You added Your user to hdbuserstore, try use tool to run some housekeeping tasks. Below You can find most popular cleaning tasks:
-- cleaning up the backup catalog (backup catalog entries older than 21 days are deleted, the last 14 backups are left, print for output) python -k USERNAME -bd 21 -be 14 -br true -- cleaning up the traces (older than 60 days deletes) python -k USERNAME -tc 60 -tf 60 -td true -- delete alert log from the alert table (older than 14 days deletes, output true) python -k USERNAME -ar 14 -ad true -- if the backup log file is larger than 50mb, compresses it python -k USERNAME -zb 50 -- reclaiming free log segment python -k USERNAME -lr 1 -- clear audit log database table (older than 100 dasy days clear) python -k USERNAME -ur 100 -- with this flags its possible to let handcleaner print out the housekeeping tasks without actually executing them (useful for debugging) python -k USERNAME -es false -os true -be 12 -bd 12 -tc 50 -ar 14 -lr 100
Sample output
hostname:sidadm> python -k USERNAME -ar 14 -ad true
Will now check most used memory in the file systems. If it hangs there is an issue with df -h, then see if the -fs flag helps.
The most used filesystem is using
HANACleaner executed 2021-03-26 22:31:48 with -k USERNAME -ar 14 -ad true
2021-03-26 22:31:48
hanacleaner by USERNAME on SID(XX)
Cleanup Statements will be executed (-es is default true)
(Cleaning of the backup catalog was not done since -be and -bd were both negative (or not specified)) (Cleaning traces was not done since -tc and -tf were both -1 (or not specified)) (Cleaning dumps was not done since -dr was -1 (or not specified)) (Cleaning of general files was not done since -gr was -1 (or not specified)) (Compression of the backup logs was not done since -zb was negative (or not specified))
INFO: The flags -ao and -ad were changed to false since there are too many alerts for printout.
12710 alerts were removed
(Cleaning of unknown object locks entries was not done since -kr was negative (or not specified))
(Cleaning of the object history was not done since -om was negative (or not specified))
(Reclaim of free logsements was not done since -lr was negative (or not specified))
(Cleaning of events was not done since -eh and -eu were negative (or not specified))
(Cleaning audit logs was not done since -ur was -1 (or not specified))
(Defragmentation was not done since -fl was negative (or not specified))
(Reclaim of row store containers was not done since -rc was negative (or not specified))
(Compression re-optimization was not done since at least one flag in each of the three compression flag groups was negative (or not specified))
(Creation of optimization statistics for virtual tables was not done since -vs was false (or not specified))
(Cleaning of the hanacleaner logs was not done since -or was negative (or not specified))
If You need cleanup activities automatically, please schedule them in the cron.
[…] about HanaCleaner I wrote here. Mentioned above problem is related to Python. You have to remember that Python 2 is […]