SAP PO – ConfigTool doesn’t show any text or button

Last time I had a problem with ConfigTool. It opens but does not show any text or buttons like on the below screens. I use use: SAPJVM_VERSION = 8.1.097.


  1. You have to google-roboto-fonts package for Linux system. Go to and click in download family
  2. Save the ZIP file and copy to the affected server
  3. Extract ZIP file
  4. Copy all “Roboto-*.ttf” font files to font path for linux “/usr/share/fonts/truetype”
    1. Make sure to set the same authorization to the files with
      1. chmod 644 Roboto-*
      2. chown root:root Roboto-*
  5. Run the following command to refresh the font cache “fc-cache -f -v”
  6. Restart the Config tool

Now everything is OK. ConfigTool works properly.

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