SAP PO – how to increase the maximum number of application sessions

Sometimes it can happen that maximum application session limit has been reached and You can receive a 403 Forbidden error like: “The maximum number of application sessions for this user session has been exceeded. At least one of the running application sessions must be closed before a new one can be started.”


Verify the parameter sap.max.session.limit and change it if necessary.

How to do it:

  1. Log in to NetWeaver Administrator -> http://<your host name>:<port>/ nwa
  2. Choose: Configuration -> Infrastructure -> Application Modules
  3. In Module Lisy section enter: “webdynpro/resources/
  4. section, select the Web Dynpro Properties tab and select default from the corresponding table like below:

In my case, the value of the parameter: sap.max.session.limit = 7

If You need increase the parameter to appropriate value.

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