SAP PO – TP_REG_ACCESS_DENIED during inboundRA access
With the Advanced Adapter Engine you can connect SAP systems and non-SAP systems together. You use the various adapters in the Advanced Adapter Engine to convert XML and HTTP-based messages to the specific protocol and format required by these systems, and the other way around.
The Advanced Adapter Engine is based on the Adapter Framework.
During basic configuration, the CTC wizard by default specifies the relevant resource adapter properties (of resource adapter inboundRA) and creates the necessary destinations. In particular, the destination XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION is created which ensures to connect to the IDoc metadata repository.
During access to program You receive below error:
Error RFCIO_ERROR_SYSERROR in /bas/753_REL/src/krn/rfc/abrfcpic.c : 1781 CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPOCMINIT', communication rc: CM_PARAMETER_ERROR (cmRc=19), taskhandler rc: TP_REG_ACCESS_DENIED (thRc=748) Internal error, session terminated DEST =XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_SID HOST =%%RFCSERVER%% PROG =XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_SID GWHOST = hostname GWSERV =sapgw00
You should:
First, Check gateway parameters and attributes. You have to now where gateway store your security files: secinfo and reginfo:
Run: gwmon pf=<path to GW profile>
Choose option 7 and find below parameters:
Now, when You know where where gateway store security files, You should add appropriate rule. Reginfo file should be adjusted accordantly:
P TP=<Program ID> HOST=<host_from_where_program_is_registered> CANCEL=<host_allow_to_cancel> ACCESS=<host_from_where_want_to_access> In this case, ACCESS and CANCEL fields should contain the hostname from the application server where you executed RFC Destination You should define specifics programs and hosts but in a worst-case scenario you can just type: hostname> cat reginfo VERSION=2 P TP=* HOST=* P TP=* HOST=local
If above is completed You can now reload new rules or restarce whole SAP instance.
Useful notes:
2462664 – Transaction RZ70: Error “TP_REG_ACCESS_DENIED (thRc=748)” when opening an RFC connection