SAP Solution Manager 7.2 – BIMetric: no data found in BW (infoprovider 0CCMAW)
During using System Monitoring in Solman You can see sometimes error like below on the screen:

How to check and resolve above problem
The steps provided in KBA 2220873 – BIMETRIC: no data found in BW (InfoProvider…) – SAP Solution Manager 7.1 and 7.2 can assist in determining the rootcause of this error message occurring within the applied metrics.
You should check the extractor WA (Statistical Records Secondary Extractor-0CCMSATPH) has been generated for the managed system for which the metric has been configured to alert and the extractor is active via the following steps:
-> Transaction SM_WORKCENTER -> Solution Manager Administration workcenter -> Extractors - Administration tile -> Filter Extractor Overview list with the following filters: - System ID: (SID of the managed system) - Extractor: WA (Statistical Records Secondary Extractor-0CCMSATPH)

If the extractor status is inactive, which may be the case, please activate this via the Extractor Administration toolbar.
If the extractor is not listed for the managed system, then this has not been generated, in which case:
- Rerun the Extractor Setup Activity in step Finalize Configuration of the Managed System Configuration guided procedure via transaction SOLMAN_SETUP, and should this still not generate,
- Reupload the extractor templates as per KBA 2363407 – Missing EFWK Templates in SAP Solution Manager 7.2 and rerun the Extractor Setup activity once again.
But if You still see error: “BIMetric: no data found in BW (infoprovider 0CCMAW)” then read on.
Check metrics
Probably the System Monitoring metric has not been enabled in Template Maintenance to store alerting data in BW and this is the rootcause of the message displayed in the metric monitor in System Monitoring.
Within the System Monitoring guided procedure in transaction SOLMAN_SETUP, complete the following:
-> Transaction SOLMAN_SETUP -> Select the System Monitoring guided procedure -> Open Template Maintenance -> Select Technical System in the Templates Navigation tree -> Select SID~ABAP in the Template assignment list -> Select template SAP ABAP Basis 7.10 and higher -> Go to Tab Metrics -> Select metric "Average Dialog Response Time (last hour)" -> Go to tab Data Usage -> Select/check "Send Values to SAP Netweaver Business Warehouse" -> Save the changes made -> Apply and Activate to apply the changes.
Enter edit mode in the the metric configuration for Average Dialog Response Time (last hour) and select the option “Send Valies to SAP Netweaver Business Warehouse” and select BW granularity: “Long;like medium” or “Medium; Like Short”. Then apply and activate before rechecking to confirm if data is being collected in the Metric Monitor tool in the System Monitoring application.

Until this step has been completed, metric data will not be saved to BW for display via the Metric Monitor tool within the System Monitoring application.
You are limited in the changes you can make to a SAP Standard Template. This is because the standard templates should be not used in an active monitoring scenario and instead should simply be treated as a frame of reference or a canvas. Foundational but you must build upon them yourself.
Please review the following KBA and follow the procedure to create a template derivative of the SAP ABAP Basis 7.10 and higher template:
2506790 – How to Create a Custom Template to change metrics, thresholds or alerts in a SAP standard template.