SAP Solution Manager 7.2 – Database error 258 at OPC insufficient privilege
When You use in Your Solman HANA usage data collection sometimes You can find in system log errors like: “Database: Database error 258 at OPC insufficient privilege: Not authorized“…
Carefully analyze the trace at the time the error occurred. There You will find information about the HANA database and, most importantly, You will have a GUID to verify what permissions your user needs. For example:
When You see a missing privilege on the table “sap.hana.xs.lm.usage.db::SUSAGE”, under schema “SAP_XS_USAGE” You should add it to Your user role: sap.hana.admin.roles::SolutionManagerMonitoring.
According to the problem with the objects privilege _SYS_REPO Your user will need the privileges ‘SELECT’ to:
- _sys_repo.change_entries
- _sys_repo.package_catalog
- _sys_repo.changes
- _sys_repo.active_object
- _sys_repo.delivery_units
- _sys_repo.inactive_object
Above permission solving issue with Database error 258 at OPC.