SAP Web Disptacher – managing users

First of all I should mention what it is Web Disptacher and why we use it. SAP Web Dispatcher (WD) lies between the Internet/Intranet and Your SAP system. It is the entry point for HTTP(s) requests into Your system, which consists of one or more application servers. This tool can reject or accept connections and You can use it in both ABAP and Java systems.

Below You see a sample architecture:

SAP Web Dispatcher in the System Landscape, source.

The WD has a Web Administration Page that can be used for monitoring, maintenance and troubleshooting actions. This page specifies the profile parameter: icm/HTTP/admin_<xx>

A user is required to access the Web Administration Page.

Below You find more information how You can add new user in WD or change password for current user.

First, access the Web Administration page through the address:


Next provide the user name and password to access to admin panel.

To add new user You should choose Admin Handler :

Click at the “Edit Users” to enable “change mode

Under the user list You can use available options to add, change or delete user:

Similar options You have also available from OS. Command which You should use is: wdispmon.

Look below to find information how to use it:

-- generally
wdispmon -a pf=/path/to/web_dispatcher/instance_profile

-- example
wdispmon -a pf=/sapmnt/SID/profile/SID_NO_hostname

Maintain authentication file

Filename (/usr/sap/SID/SYS/global/security/data/icmauth.txt):
-- press enter

Maintain authentication file: /usr/sap/WQ5/SYS/global/security/data/icmauth.txt

a - add user to set
c - change passwd of existing user in set
g - change group of existing user in set
x - change client cert data of existing user in set
d - delete user from set
l - list users of set
s - save changes of set to file
q - quit (without saving)


Now You can for example add new user (option a) or change password of existing user (option b), etc.
At the don't forget use option s -> save changes os set to file.

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