SWPM – unattened installation new SAP system

Below You’ll find information how to install SAP system in unattended mode without the user interface of the Software Provisioning Manager. This means that, after inserting the required parameters into a parameter-file and providing the file to SAPinst executable, the installation will run in the background and no further user interaction is required.


  1. You plan and prepare the run as described in the appropriate guide for your system provisioning option, available at https://support.sap.com/sltoolset -> System Provisioning.
  2. Create your input parameter file as follows:
    1. Start Software Provisioning Manager as described in the appropriate guide for your system provisioning option, available at https://support.sap.com/sltoolset -> System Provisioning.
    2. Choose the option you want to run, and follow the instructions on the screens by entering all parameter values
    3. Stop after the “Parameter Summary” screen has been displayed
    4. Find the input parameter file named “inifile.params” in the installation directory. In the same directory, you will also find the “instkey.pkey” file with the keys for the encrypted parameters.
    5. If required, you can rename the “inifile.params” file as required. 
  3. Adjust the values of the input parameter file as follows:
    1. Edit the input parameter file file and modify the parameters according to your needs.
    2. Add required media / archive information line by line, using the following convention:
      For each media location you must manually insert a dedicated line in your input parameter file. The Software Provisioning Manager does not automatically take over the media locations you entered while processing the Media Browser dialog.
  4. Identify the Product-ID:
    • To start in unattended mode, it is necessary to know the component ID for the option that are required for your provisioning scenario.
    • Proceed as follows:
      • Open the sapinst_dev.log in the installation directory.
      • Check for the product-id
        Example: product-id=NW_ABAP_ASCS:NW750.ADA.ABAP
    • Alternatively, you can check the header of the generated input parameter file. Example product id ‘NW_ABAP_ASCS:NW750.ADA.ABAP‘.
  5. Run the Software Provisioning Manager:
    • Make sure that the “instkey.pkey” file with the keys for the encrypted parameters is available in the same directory as the input parameter file. Otherwise the encrypted parameters cannot be decrypted.
    • In observer mode: Start the sapinst executable from an empty directory with the following parameters:
      SAPINST_EXECUTE_PRODUCT_ID=<product-id for the installation>
    • In non-observer mode: Start the sapinst executable from an empty directory with the following parameters:
      SAPINST_EXECUTE_PRODUCT_ID=<product-id for the installation>
  6. After Software Provisioning Manager has completed, perform follow-up activities as described in the appropriate guide for your system provisioning option, available at https://support.sap.com/sltoolset -> System Provisioning.
  7. Usefull information:
    • 2609804 – SWPM Unattended Installation: password handling
    • example, SAP Video – Install an SAP NetWeaver Product with SWPM in Unattended Mode
    • Depending on which SAP Software you want to provision, you have to choose the right version:
      • SAP Note 1680045 (Release Note for Software Provisioning Manager 1.0)
      • SAP Note 2568783 (Release Note for Software Provisioning Manager 2.0)

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