SAP Data Services – add local REPO to JobServer
The SAP BusinessObjects Data Services Job Server retrieves the job information from its respected repository and starts the data engine to process the job. Below You’ll find a short instruction how to add a local repository to JobServer.
Let me just mention that the local repository is used while working in the Data Services Designer and is associated with job servers to execute jobs.
server:/usr/sap/SID/dataservices/bin> ./svrcfg
** Data Services Server Manager Utility **
1 : Control Job Service
2 : Configure Job Server
3 : Configure Runtime Resources
4 : Configure Access Server
5 : Configure SMTP
6 : Configure SSL
7 : Configure Native Component Supportability
8 : Configure System Landscape Directory Registration
x : Exit
Enter Option: 2
Current Job Server Information
S# Job Server Name TCP Repository Information Port
*:JobServer <JobServer1> supports AdapterCommunication
on port :4001(SSL)
c : Create a new JOB SERVER entry a : Add a REPO to job server
e : Edit a JOB SERVER entry y : Resync a REPO
d : Delete a JOB SERVER entry r : Remove a REPO from job server
u : Update REPO Password s : Set default REPO
q : Quit
Enter Option: a
1) Oracle
2) MySQL
3) DB2
4) Sybase ASE
6) SQL Anywhere
Enter the database type (1,2,3,4,5 or 6) for the associated repository: 1
Do you want to use TNS name 'Y|N'? [Y]:
Enter the repository database connection name: SID.WORLD
Enter the repository username: username
Enter the repository password (not echoed):
Confirm the repository password (not echoed):
S# Job Server Name TCP Repository Information Port
-- --------------- ---- ---------------------
1 JobServer1 3500 username@SID.WORLD__username
Is this information correct [Y/N]? [Y]:
Updating the repository <username@SID.WORLD__username>. Please wait...
Continue to Add/Modify/Delete Job Servers 'Y/N' [Y]: n
** Data Services Server Manager Utility **
1 : Control Job Service
2 : onfigure Job Server
3 : Configure Runtime Resources
4 : Configure Access Server
5 : Configure SMTP
6 : Configure SSL
7 : Configure Native Component Supportability
8 : Configure System Landscape Directory Registration
x : Exit
Enter Option: x