sapcontrol: FAIL: HTTP error, HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
You try start SAP instance and receive below error:
starting SAP Instance ASCSxx Startup-Log is written to /home/xxxadm/startsap_ASCSxx.log /usr/sap/XXX/ASCSxx/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr xx -function Start startup of Instance failed See /home/xxxadm/startsap_ASCSxx.log for details /usr/sap/XXX/ASCSxx/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr xx -function Start Start FAIL: HTTP Error, HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized |
- Stop SAP instance and cleanipc. Sometimes You will also need to kill old processes on sidadm.
- Go to /tmp directory and list all files like .sapstream5xx13 and .sapstream5xx14 on user sidadm. Make sure the permission/ownership is correct.
- Delete or change file name for above .sapstream* files, e.g. mv .sapstream5xx13 .sapstream5xx13.OLD
- Try run once again SAP instance.
- Now SAP instance should start correctly. You also will see a new .sapstream5xx13 and .sapstream5xx14 created in /tmp directory.
Useful SAP Note: 1565645 – SAP composite note: sapcontrol