SUM – how to change parameters entered in prepare phases
In Upgrades or Support Packages updates using the Software Update Manager (SUM) tool, several system parameters are defined during PREPARE. Somtimes You need to change one or more parameters, due to errors, poor performance or misconfigured options. Below You find some information how to do it.
To change parameters in the right corner click “More” and next choose “Utilities“:
On the next screen choose “SUM Parameters” option:

You can change parameters like below:
List of parameters:
- SUM Process Parameters, like:
- Host name and instance number of Central Instance (Primary Application Server);
- File names of the instance profiles;
- Path to SAP Start Procedure, database host, and SID;
- Port number for the internal message server;
- SUM Shadow System Parameters, like:
- Number of ABAP, SQL, R3trans, and R3load during uptime and downtime;
- Server for batch job execution;
- SUM Migration Parameters, like:
- (shadow instance number);
- DDIC Password;
- SAP Service User Password;
- Shadow System DDIC Password;
- DB System User Password;
- Shadow DB System User Password;
- Migration Target DB System User Password;
- Mountpoints;
- Migration Key;
More information about SUM You can find here.