Transport control program tp ended with error code 0200
During work with CHaRM or simple in STMS/SE01/SE09 transaction You sometimes can see below screen. The error occur when, for example, a transport is created and released:
or when You try refersh transports list in STMS transaction:
In my case problem was with location: /usr/sap/trans. After the host restarted, NFS resource didn’t mount correctly and tp program couldn’t find the correct parameters from file: “TP_DOMAIN_SID.PFL“.
Steps to resolve issue:
1. umount -fl /usr/sap/trans -- umount old resource 2. cat /etc/fstab -- check if the correct trans entry exists 3. mount -a -- mount all filesystems or only /usr/sap/trans -- check mounted filesystem /usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_SID.PFL and other important folders, like: cofiles,data, etc. 4. ls -la /usr/sap/trans