Work process fails to start with e=13 error
Sometimes, when another user has already created shared memory segments with the same system number You can see error like below…
-- dispatcher trace:
ERROR => e=13 semget(24760,1,992) (13: Permission denied) [semux.c 501]
ERROR => SemRq: Implicit SemInit failed. Key=60 [semux.c 1110]
ERROR => SfCreateShm: SemRq(60 SEM_JCONTROL_ADMIN) failed (rc = 1 general error) [jsfxxshm.c 1162]
ERROR => SfEStartupError: SfCInstanceManager::initShm: SfCreateShm failed (rc = 7 locking (sema/mutex) error) [sfxxinst.hpp 406]
ERROR => Operation failed: SfEStartupError: SfCInstanceManager::initShm: SfCreateShm failed (rc = 7 locking (sema/mutex) error)
-- work process trace
I *** ERROR => shmat(12582970,0x(nil),SHM_RND) (13: Permission denied)
I *** ERROR => shmctl(12582970,IPC_RMID,0) 0xfffffffffffe7b8) (1: Not owner)
- Check SAP-IPC-Objects – command: “showipc <>“.
- Stop all process running with the affected instance number.
- Remove the shared memory segments with “cleanipc <> remove“.
- Check again with “showipc <>“, that no segments are listed.
- Sometimes cleanipc command is not enough. Try use: “ipcrm” to remove certain IPC resources like –shmem or –semaphore.
- Restart the instance