WF_LOG_* files in directory /sapmnt/SID/global
How to delete WF_LOG* files properly or how to cleanup WF logs in usr/sap/SID/sys/global directory? Answer for these questions You can find below.
WF_LOG stands for Workflow Log files. It contains the full log data of each work item execution. The main symptom is creating many files in the file system in directory /sapmnt/<SID>/global with the name WF_LOG_*. The consequence of this situation can be filesystem reaches close to 100% utilization.
Why files were created? Probably You have activated one of below traces:


How to delete the trace files
Use the transaction SWF_TRC to delete any workflow trace files. However, SAPConnect (SCOT) still writes trace files to the file system and these will NOT SHOW in transaction SWF_TRC. So you need to delete them with report RSWTTR02 or directly from the file system at OS level.