SAPTUNE – migration from version 1 to 2 on the example of SAP HANA
Saptune (part of SLES for SAP Applications) – is a configuration tool to prepare a system to run SAP workloads by automatically implementing the recommendations of various SAP notes. Just select the notes you need or choose one of the predefined groups – called solutions.
Migration Steps
The following steps describe the easisest way to migrate from version 1 to version 2.
- Determine current solutions and SAP Notes for version 1 and plan the ones for version 2.
Use these commands to get a list of selected solutions and notes. saptune solution list saptune note list
hostname:~ # saptune solution list 2021/04/01 21:18:05 ATTENTION: This is verson 1 of saptune which is deprecated. 2021/04/01 21:18:05 Please migrate to saptune version 2. 2021/04/01 21:18:05 Refere to saptune-migrate(7) for more information All solutions (* denotes enabled solution): BOBJ HANA MAXDB NETWEAVER S4HANA-APPSERVER S4HANA-DBSERVER SAP-ASE Remember: if you wish to automatically activate the solution's tuning options after a reboot,you must instruct saptune to configure "tuned" daemon by running: saptune daemon start hostname:~ #
hostname:~ # saptune note list 2021/04/01 21:18:43 ATTENTION: This is verson 1 of saptune which is deprecated. 2021/04/01 21:18:43 Please migrate to saptune version 2. 2021/04/01 21:18:43 Refere to saptune-migrate(7) for more information All notes (+ denotes manually enabled notes, * denotes notes enabled by solutions): 1275776 Linux: Preparing SLES for SAP environments (SAP note updated - saptune version 1 does not match anymore. Migrate to saptune version 2 instead) 1557506 Linux paging improvements 1984787 SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 12: Installation notes 2161991 VMware vSphere (guest) configuration guidelines 2205917 SAP HANA DB: Recommended OS settings for SLES 12 / SLES for SAP Applications 12 HPE Recommended_OS_settings SAP_ASE SAP_Adaptive_Server_Enterprise SAP_BOBJ SAP_Business_OBJects SUSE-GUIDE-01 SLES 12 OS Tuning & Optimization Guide – Part 1 (deprecated since not an official SAP recommendation) SUSE-GUIDE-02 SLES 12: Network, CPU Tuning and Optimization – Part 2 (deprecated since not an official SAP recommendation) Remember: if you wish to automatically activate the solution's tuning options after a reboot,you must instruct saptune to configure "tuned" daemon by running: saptune daemon start hostname:~ #
2. (Skip, if saptune defaults are acceptable) Check each chosen SAP Note and former configuration.
Verify that the shipped defaults of version 2 meet your requirements. Since saptune is running in version 1 prior to migration you cannot use 'saptune note show' yet. Please check the files in /usr/share/saptune/notes/ directly. Verify the version 1 configuration (see SAP NOTES above) for settings to carry over. For step 8 you need to prepare a list with all parameters that have to be added, altered or disabled.
3. Revert all solutions and notes.
Use the following commands: saptune solution revert saptune note revert for example: saptune solution revert HANA saptune solution revert S4HANA-DBSERVER saptune note revert 1275776 saptune note revert 1557506 saptune note revert 1984787 saptune note revert 2205917 saptune note revert HPE ???? Please check if the following variables in /etc/sysconfig/saptune are empty:TUNE_FOR_SOLUTIONS=""
hostname:~ # cat /etc/sysconfig/saptune Path: SAP/System Tuning/General Description: Global settings for saptune - the comprehensive optimisation management utility for SAP solutions ServiceRestart: tuned Type: string Default: "" # When saptune is activated, apply optimisations for these SAP solutions. The value is a list of solution names, separated by spaces. Run "saptune solution list" to get a comprehensive list of solution names. TUNE_FOR_SOLUTIONS="" Type: string Default: "" # When saptune is activated, apply tuning for these SAP notes in addition to those already recommended by the above list of SAP solutions. The value is a list of note numbers, separated by spaces. Run "saptune note list" to get a comprehensive list of note numbers. TUNE_FOR_NOTES="" Type: string Default: "" # When saptune is activated, apply tuning for the notes in exactly the below order The value is a list of note numbers, separated by spaces. NOTE_APPLY_ORDER="" Type: string Default: "2" # Version of saptune SAPTUNE_VERSION="1"
4. Change saptune version variable to “2”.
Open /etc/sysconfig/saptune in an editor and set the variable SAPTUNE_VERSION from "1" to "2".
5. Remove the configuration directory /etc/tuned/saptune
During the package upgrade a comatibility configuration /etc/tuned/saptune/ was created, which has to be removed to run version 2 properly. It is possible that it was created manually in the past to alter the configuration. In this case verify the configuration and extend your future saptune configuration (step 2). Saptune version 2 performs all tuning settings itself and no longer uses tuned for tuning.
6. Remove files which are not needed anymore.
Please copy each file to a safe location before deleting it! You might need it to check for former configuration values. - Delete the configuration files SAP_BOBJ-SAP_Business_OBJects.conf and SAP_ASE-SAP_Adaptive_Server_Enterprise.conf. rm /etc/saptune/extra/{SAP_BOBJ-SAP_Business_OBJects.conf,SAP_ASE-SAP_Adaptive_Server_Enterprise.conf} - Delete old note configuration files. rm /etc/sysconfig/saptune-note-* - Delete /etc/systemd/logind.conf.d/sap.conf. Be aware that the file also is used by sapconf and is only created on package installation! Saptune will create it's own configuration file dynamically, if needed. rm /etc/systemd/logind.conf.d/sap.conf - Delete obsolete log directory /var/log/saptune/. rm -rf /var/log/saptune/ - Remove 'nofile' entries for @sapsys, @sdba and @dba in /etc/security/limits.conf. This is now handled by individual files in /etc/security/limits.d/. - Remove all entries in /etc/sysctl.conf or files in /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf which are handled by saptune. Consider moving SAP-related settings from there to a saptune extra file.
7. Restart tuned.
systemctl restart tuned.service hostname:/etc # systemctl restart tuned.service hostname:/etc # systemctl status tuned.service ● tuned.service - Dynamic System Tuning Daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/tuned.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2021-04-01 22:01:31 CEST; 7s ago Main PID: 95512 (tuned) Tasks: 5 (limit: 512) CGroup: /system.slice/tuned.service └─95512 /usr/bin/python -Es /usr/sbin/tuned -l -P
8. Apply the new configuration.
- (Skip, if saptune defaults are acceptable) Create override files for SAP Notes, if you need do change or disable parameters: saptune note customize - (Skip, if saptune defaults are acceptable) Create your own configuration for parameters not coverd by an existing SAP Note: saptune note create - Apply the chosen solution: saptune solution apply - Revert any SAP Note of the solution you do not need: saptune note revert - Apply all aditional SAP Notes: saptune note apply hostname:/etc # saptune solution apply HANA WARNING: GetTuningOptions: no header information found in file "HPE-Recommended_OS_settings.conf" WARNING: falling back to old style vendor file names WARNING: [block] section detected: Traversing all block devices can take a considerable amount of time. WARNING: Be aware: system-wide UserTasksMax is now set to infinity according to SAP recommendations. This opens up entire system to fork-bomb style attacks. All tuning options for the SAP solution have been applied successfully.
— You can observe that saptune automatically implemented below notes:
hostname:/etc # saptune note list WARNING: GetTuningOptions: no header information found in file "HPE-Recommended_OS_settings.conf" WARNING: falling back to old style vendor file names All notes (+ denotes manually enabled notes, * denotes notes enabled by solutions, - denotes notes enabled by solutions but reverted manually later, O denotes override file exists for note): 1410736 TCP/IP: setting keepalive interval Version 4 from 14.12.2017 1557506 Linux paging improvements Version 14 from 10.08.2015 1680803 Sybase - SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Version 24 from 20.11.2017 1771258 Linux: User and system resource limits Version 5 from 18.06.2018 1805750 SYB: Usage of HugePages on Linux Systems with Sybase ASE Version 6 from 14.11.2017 1980196 Setting Linux Kernel Parameter /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count on SAP HANA Systems Version 7 from 18.10.2017 1984787 SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 12: Installation notes Version 32 from 26.06.2018 2161991 VMware vSphere configuration guidelines Version 25 from 14.08.2018 2205917 SAP HANA DB: Recommended OS settings for SLES 12 / SLES for SAP Applications 12 Version 57 from 23.04.2019 2382421 Optimizing the Network Configuration on HANA- and OS-Level Version 33 from 07.05.2019 2534844 Indexserver Crash During Startup due to Insufficient Shared Memory Segment Version 12 from 15.11.2017 941735 SAP memory management system for 64-bit Linux systems Version 11 from 04.05.2018 HPE Recommended_OS_settings SAP_BOBJ operating system tuning for SAP Business OBJects (BOBJ) Version 0 from 10.03.2017 current order of applied notes is: 941735 1771258 1980196 1984787 2205917 2382421 2534844 Remember: if you wish to automatically activate the solution's tuning options after a reboot,you must instruct saptune to configure "tuned" daemon by running: saptune daemon start
— additionally I did this:
hostname:/etc # saptune note apply HPE WARNING: GetTuningOptions: no header information found in file "HPE-Recommended_OS_settings.conf" WARNING: falling back to old style vendor file names The note has been applied successfully. Remember: if you wish to automatically activate the solution's tuning options after a reboot,you must instruct saptune to configure "tuned" daemon by running: saptune daemon start hostname:/etc #
9. Use saptune verify to check your configuration. Here You can compare expected parameters value with actual:
hostname:# saptune note verify

10. Check the log file /var/log/tuned/tuned.log for any errors.
11. (Optional) Do a reboot and verify that everything works as expected.