SUM – FAIL: process igswd_mt IGS Watchdog not running
Last time I updated the SAP system. At the end when SUM restarted the system I saw an error: “sapcontrol error at WaitforStarted: FAIL: process igswd_mt IGS Watchdog not running. System start failed” like on the below screen:
You have two possibilities. First You can temporarily disable the IGS parameters (_IG) in the instance profile located at /usr/sap/<sid>/sys/profile, later restart the SAP instance, and retry the SUM step. More information You’ll find in a note: 2787610. It is a good way if You need to quickly finish SUM process but finally, You’ll need to perform the second option sooner or later.
Second possibilities. In my case, I chose this way.
## Go to the kernel folder and check IGS version which You use now:
server:54> ls -la igs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sidadm sapsys 174 May 24 2023 igsexe.lst
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sidadm sapsys 452 May 24 2023
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sidadm sapsys 14247280 May 24 2023 igsmux_mt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sidadm sapsys 7111272 May 24 2023 igspw_mt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sidadm sapsys 6657336 May 24 2023 igswd_mt
server:55> cat
Manifest-Version: 1.0
keyname: BC-FES-IGS
keylocation: SAP AG
igs os: linuxx86_64
igs release: 754
make variant: 754_REL
igs patch number: 2
patch number igswd_mt: 0
patch number igsmux_mt: 1
patch number igspw_mt: 0
patch number 1001
patch number 1000
patch number 10
patch number 1
patch number 0
patch number 0
downward-compatible to: 740 750 751 752 769
Next, You need to check other apps versions in the kernel folder, for example, disp+work (command: disp+work -version). In my case, I used kernel in version 7.53 but IGS was in 7.54 version. In this note 1491848 You can check the correct IGS and SAP kernel compatibility information. For me important information:
# If your SAP NW Application Server is using the SAP 7.53 or 7.77 Kernel:
Then you need to install the IGS 753.
I downloaded the proper IGS version from here. Next navigation step SAP Support Packages&Patches -> By Category -> SAP Frontend Components -> SAP IGS
I downloaded file: igsexe_16-80003187.sar -> SAP IGS 7.53, latest version.
Copy the file to the kernel folder and unpack it using SAPCAR tool. At the end repeat SUM process. In my case, everything finished correctly.