SAP Cloud Connector – upgrade to new version on Linux

Cloud Connector (CC) is an application that can be installed on a Windows, Linux, macOS operating system. CC creates a secure connection to the SAP “cloud” (BTP), so that SAP Cloud products can communicate securely with systems in a customer’s on-premise/private cloud landscape.

Today I show You how to upgrade Your CC to new version.

At the beginning, You have to know how to check version Your CC. You can do this in a few alternative ways. For example:

Open the SAP Cloud Connector administration UI, https://localhost:8443.

If you need to verify the service is running, type:

server:# systemctl status scc_daemon.service
● scc_daemon.service - SAP Cloud Connector Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/scc_daemon.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2022-12-07 11:18:06 CET; 5s ago
Process: 32708 ExecStop=/usr/local/sbin/rcscc_daemon stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 4755 ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/rcscc_daemon start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 4854
CPU: 3h 13min 32.938s

Other place where You can find current CC version is ljs_trace.log file, look for the latest Cloud Connector entries:

2022-12-02 18:53:08,886+0200#INFO#System.out#Thread-10#      #Cloud Connector 2.12.4 started on https://localhost:8443 (master)|
2022-12-02 18:53:08,  #Cloud Connector 2.12.4 started on https://localhost:8443 (master)|

How to upgrade

The latest version can be found at

I downloaded file: “”

If You need upgrade your Cloud Connector and avoid connectivity downtime during the update, please check here.

Below output from upgrade process:

server:# rpm -U
Upgrading Cloud Connector
Upgrading Cloud Connector from version 2.12.4
search for java installations ...
Found SAP JVM 8 installation. Will use it for Cloud Connector.
Removed /etc/systemd/system/
scc_Daemon uninstalled.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/scc_daemon.service.
scc_Daemon installed.
You may now use /usr/local/sbin/rcscc_daemon to call this script.
Execute further configuration adoption during upgrade
run /opt/sapjvm_8/bin/java -Djava.library.path=/opt/sap/scc/lib/native -jar /opt/sap/scc/configurator.jar -dir /opt/sap/scc -upgrade -from 2.12.4
[main] INFO - Load native library from /opt/sap/scc/lib/native
Configuration adjustment started with options {dir='/opt/sap/scc', upgrade=true, restore=false, from=2.12.4, useFileUserStore=false, clearKeyTab=false, port=-1, role=null, logAndTracePath=null, auditlogPath=null, isForceMode=false}
Upgrading from Cloud Connector version 2.12.4
Conversion of key store from JKS to P12 succeeded for /opt/sap/scc/config/
[main] INFO - Using keystore /opt/sap/scc/config/ks.p12
Checking whether server.xml configuration needs to be adjusted.
Conversion of key store from JKS to P12 succeeded for /opt/sap/scc/scc_config/scc.jks
Checking whether props.ini needs to be adjusted.
Created backup of original props.ini.
Updated props.ini to desired state.
Corrected console filter location in logback.xml.
[main] INFO - Write xml file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/
Add default audit log location to scc_config.ini
Replace subject patterns with new format to scc_config.ini
Remove deprecated configuration files
Created backup of original server.xml
[main] INFO - Write xml file /opt/sap/scc/conf/server.xml
[main] INFO - Write xml file /opt/sap/scc/scc_config/scc_config.ini
Modification of config files finished successfully.
Remove secure storage initializer
sccadmin is already a member of sapsys group: integration with solution management is fine
Start Cloud Connector server daemon
System with systemd
Upgrade finished. Cloud Connector server has been started.
Cloud Connector server can be managed using 'systemctl start|stop|restart scc_daemon'.
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/exe/secsetpasswd: remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/exe/ remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/exe: remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/org.eclipse.gemini.web.tomcat/web.xml: remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/org.eclipse.gemini.web.tomcat/metaconfig.json: remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/org.eclipse.gemini.web.tomcat/default-server.xml: remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/org.eclipse.gemini.web.tomcat/context.xml: remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/org.eclipse.gemini.web.tomcat: remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/ remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/ remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/ remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/ remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/ remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/ remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/ remove failed: No such file or directory
warning: file /opt/sap/scc/config_master/ remove failed: No such file or directory

Verification after upgrade:

That’s all

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