SAP TREX 7.10 – update

TREX is based on a client/server architecture. The client software is integrated into the application that uses the TREX functions, and allows communication with the TREX servers. The TREX servers execute the requests of the clients: They index and classify documents and respond to search queries.
TREX offers an ABAP and a Java client. This allows ABAP and Java applications to use TREX functions. ABAP and Java applications communicate with the TREX servers using different protocols and components.

  • ABAP applications communicate with TREX servers using the RFC protocol. Communication takes place using an instance of the SAP Gateway and an RFC server.
  • Java applications communicate with TREX using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. This communication takes place using a Web server that is enhanced with TREX-specific functions

How to update TREX

Install package You can find here:

  1. Log on to the TREX host:
UNIX: As root user.

2. Navigate to the directory to which you unpacked the TREX binary files:

UNIX: <path to unpack directory>/tx_trex_content/TX_LINUX_X86_64

This directory was created by unpacking the TREX software package using SAPCAR.

3. Call the installation script (depending on your shell) as follows:

UNIX: ./ --action=update --sid=<SAPSID> --password=<password for adm/service user> --restart

The installation procedure will take less than 15 minutes. You can find more information about using the installation script executing it with the –help

./ –help

4. If the option restart wasn’t used, after the installation has finished you need to restart TREX:

UNIX: Log on as adm user.
  To stop TREX, enter:  TREX stop
  To start TREX, enter: TREX start

Useful note: 2907622 – FAQ: installing or upgrading TREX


[12678|root@hostname|Tue Mar 05 21:49:03 /mnt/nfs1/TREX/tx_trex_content/TX_LINUX_X86_64|0]
-> ./ --action=update --sid=SID --password=1234 --restart

Installation script for TREX system
Script execution started at 2021-01-05 21:49:22
Log file /tmp/trex_install_2021-01-05_21.49.22/_install.log

running as: root (0)

Update of TREX installation to version
Script execution started at 2021-01-05 21:49:22
Log file /tmp/trex_install_2021-01-05_21.49.22/_install.log

TrexConfigType is ESH
Cocktail is: TREX_ALONE
Persistence: FS
SarTrek: systemloc is: /usr/sap
Installing Version:
SystemType is STANDALONE
IntegratedSystem: False
fsLayout: filer
linkedBinaries: True
sharedBinaries: True
configType: ESH
systemType: STANDALONE
Target dir: /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037
DearStructure: SYSTEMLOC is: /usr/sap
DearStructure: INSTANCELOC is: /usr/sap

Performing Step 1
Stopping the TREX landscape SID TRX on 0 hosts

Action: Stopping TREX
Stopwait: 2 sec : Running
Stopwait: 4 sec : Running
Stopwait: 6 sec : Running
Stopwait: 8 sec : Running
Stopwait: 10 sec : Running
Stopwait: 12 sec : Running
Stopwait: 14 sec : Running
Stopwait: 16 sec : Running
Stopwait: 18 sec : Running
Stopwait: 20 sec : Running
Stopwait: 22 sec : Running
Stopwait: 24 sec : Running
Stopwait: 26 sec : Running
Stopwait: 28 sec : Running
Stopwait: 30 sec : Running
Stopwait: 32 sec : Running
Stopwait: 34 sec : Running
Stopwait: 36 sec : Stopped

Performing Step 2
Update of TREX master instance

Preparing update for SAPSID SID Instance TREX admin user SIDadm.
Action: Extracting installation archives
-> create: /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037/Apache
-> create: /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037/filter
-> create: /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037/Python
-> create: /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037/config
typo config in /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037/config
preparing config for ESH
copy /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037/config/TREXIndexServer_ESH.ini to /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037/config/TREXIndexServer.ini
copy /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037/config/TREXPreprocessor_ESH.ini to /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037/config/TREXPreprocessor.ini
Installing new version, creating link: TREX_7.10.79.405037 -> /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/trex_new
possess: /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/trex_new
creating link in /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037: lexicon -> ../../../../global/trex/custom/config/lexicon
possess: /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037/lexicon
Action: Configuring TREX
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01/TREX
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01/
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01/xterms
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01/dev_sapstart
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01/
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01/TREXSettings.csh
adapt /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/trex/Apache/conf/httpd.conf-dist
possess: /home/SIDadm/
possess: /home/SIDadm/trexenv.csh
possess: /home/SIDadm/
possess: /home/SIDadm/TREXSettings.csh
Action: Changing file ownership to user SIDadm
systemloc is: /usr/sap
possess recursive: /usr/sap/SID/global/trex/install
possess: /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037/trex
possess recursive: /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.10.79.405037
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01/TREX
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01/
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01/xterms
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01/dev_sapstart
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01/
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01/exe
possess: /usr/sap/SID/TRX01/TREXSettings.csh
Action: Updating installer tools
possess recursive: /usr/sap/SID/global/trex/install
activateNewVersion …
create symbolic link /usr/sap/SID/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/trex_old--->TREX_7.10.75.404362
activateNewVersion completed.

Performing Step 3
Start the TREX landscape SID TRX on 0 hosts

Action: Starting TREX
Startwait: 2 sec : startup
Startwait: 4 sec : Running
restarting sapstartsrv SID via hostname.01

=== Script execution resumee === *
Step 1: Stopping the TREX landscape SID TRX on 0 hosts : SUCCESS
Step 2: Update of TREX master instance : SUCCESS
Step 3: Start the TREX landscape SID TRX on 0 hosts : SUCCESS
See also log file: /tmp/trex_install_2021-01-05_21.49.22/_install.log

[12679|root@hostname|Tue Mar 05 21:52:15 /mnt/nfs1/TREX/tx_trex_content/TX_LINUX_X86_64|0]

* update

Notice! If you have TREX 7.10 revision 56 or lower, you cannot upgrade directly to the latest revision.

First you need to upgrade to revision 57. Afterwards, you can upgrade from revision 57 to the latest revision.

Reference: SAP Note 2073982.

SAP note for revision 57: 1908084.

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