SAP HANA – Statistics server has been disabled
After logging to SAP HANA Studio You find information in Alerts and Mesagges: “Statistics server has been disabled. Data might be out of date“.

In statisticsserver trace You can find entries similiar to below:
112891]{-1}[-1/-1] 2020-08-03 12:00:52.952842 i STATS_WORKER ConfigurableRegistry.cpp(00382) : call SYS_STATISTICS.Shared_Build_SR_Views ('', '') [3915]{325461}[172/702216102] 2020-08-03 12:00:55.604357 i TraceContext TraceContext.cpp(00960) : UserName=, StatementHash=3c8c0b6da197d8b8396f29d45db245fc [3915]{325461}[172/702216102] 2020-08-03 12:00:55.309465 w SQLScript : Failed to recompile procedure _SYS_STATISTICS.STATISTICS_SCHEDULABLEWRAPPER:invalidated procedure: ALERT_INTERNAL_DISK_FULL_EVENTS: line 3 col 5067 (at pos 6109) (at /sapmnt/ld7272/a/HDB/jenkins_prod/workspace/HANA__FA_CO_LIN64GCC48HAPPY_rel_fa~hana1sp12/s/ptime/query/checker/ Failed to recompile procedure _SYS_STATISTICS.STATISTICS_SCHEDULABLEWRAPPER:invalidated procedure: ALERT_INTERNAL_DISK_FULL_EVENTS: line 3 col 5067 (at pos 6109) (at /sapmnt/ld7272/a/HDB/jenkins_prod/workspace/HANA [139227]{325461}[172/702216102] 2020-08-03 12:00:56.452887 w SQLScript : Failed to recompile procedure _SYS_STATISTICS.STATISTICS_SCHEDULABLEWRAPPER:invalidated procedure: ALERT_MON_SAVEPOINT_DURATION: line 3 col 10502 (at pos 11544) (at /sapmnt/ld7272/a/HDB/jenkins_prod/workspace/HANA__FA_CO_LIN64GCC48HAPPY_rel_fa~hana1sp12/s/ptime/query/checker/ Failed to recompile procedure _SYS_STATISTICS.STATISTICS_SCHEDULABLEWRAPPER:invalidated procedure: ALERT_MON_SAVEPOINT_DURATION: line 3 col 10502 (at pos 11544) (at /sapmnt/ld7272/a/HDB/jenkins_prod/workspace/HANA__F [43215]{325461}[172/702216102] 2020-08-03 12:00:57.676726 w SQLScript : Failed to recompile procedure _SYS_STATISTICS.STATISTICS_SCHEDULABLEWRAPPER:invalidated procedure: ALERT_LOG_SEGMENT_COUNT: line 3 col 14570 (at pos 15612) (at /sapmnt/ld7272/a/HDB/jenkins_prod/workspace/HANA__FA_CO_LIN64GCC48HAPPY_rel_fa~hana1sp12/s/ptime/query/checker/ Failed to recompile procedure _SYS_STATISTICS.STATISTICS_SCHEDULABLEWRAPPER:invalidated procedure: ALERT_LOG_SEGMENT_COUNT: line 3 col 14570 (at pos 15612) (at /sapmnt/ld7272/a/HDB/jenkins_prod/workspace/HANA__FA_CO_LIN64 [61824]{325461}[172/702216102] 2020-08-03 12:00:59.065490 w SQLScript : Failed to recompile procedure _SYS_STATISTICS.STATISTICS_SCHEDULABLEWRAPPER:invalidated procedure: ALERT_REPLICATION_CONNECTION_CLOSED: line 3 col 15950 (at pos 16992) (at /sapmnt/ld7272/a/HDB/jenkins_prod/workspace/HANA__FA_CO_LIN64GCC48HAPPY_rel_fa~hana1sp12/s/ptime/query/checker/ Failed to recompile procedure _SYS_STATISTICS.STATISTICS_SCHEDULABLEWRAPPER:invalidated procedure: ALERT_REPLICATION_CONNECTION_CLOSED: line 3 col 15950 (at pos 16992) (at /sapmnt/ld7272/a/HDB/jenkins_prod/wor [12126]{325461}[172/702216102] 2020-08-03 12:01:02.621132 e LJIT cePopCustomLjit.cpp(00609) : Llang Runtime Error: Exception::SQLException257: sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "union": line 1 col 99 (at pos 99) at main (line 204) ("_SYS_STATISTICS"."SHARED_CREATE_UNION_VIEW": line 35 col 3 (at pos 1784)) [12126]{325461}[172/702216102] 2020-08-03 12:01:02.621166 e LJIT cePopCustomLjit.cpp(00628) : "_SYS_STATISTICS"."SHARED_CREATE_UNION_VIEW": line 35 col 3 (at pos 1784): [257] (range 3) sql syntax error exception: sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "union": line 1 col 99 (at pos 99) [112891]{325461}[172/702216102] 2020-08-03 12:01:02.621350 e Executor PlanExecutor.cpp(00872) : plan plan297686980@server:3XX03 failed with rc 257; sql syntax error"_SYS_STATISTICS"."SHARED_CREATE_UNION_VIEW": line 35 col 3 (at pos 1784): [257] (range 3) sql syntax error exception: sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "union": line 1 col 99 (at pos 99) ...
What You can do
- Check the installation status:
SELECT * FROM _SYS_STATISTICS.STATISTICS_PROPERTIES where key = 'internal.installation.state';
If the result is “Done (error) since ”, the last migration finished unsuccessfully. Please check SAP Note 2006652
2. Please run this queries below one by one to recompile the procedures.
Then please reinstall the statistic server:
---> alter system alter configuration ('nameserver.ini','SYSTEM') set ('statisticsserver','active')='true' with reconfigure
Now once again Check the installation status:
---> select value from _SYS_STATISTICS.STATISTICS_PROPERTIES where key = 'internal.installation.state'
3. Sometimes problem is more complicated and we have reinitialize ESS.
3.1. Initialize statistics server and execute from sql editor of HANA studio below procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE deletestatistics () LANGUAGE SQLSCRIPT SQL SECURITY INVOKER AS CURSOR c FOR select 'drop procedure '||schema_name||'.'||procedure_name command from sys.procedures where schema_name='_SYS_STATISTICS' union select 'drop synonym '||schema_name||'.'||synonym_name command from sys.synonyms where schema_name='_SYS_STATISTICS' union select 'drop view '||schema_name||'.'||view_name command from sys.views where schema_name='_SYS_STATISTICS' union select 'drop type '||schema_name||'.'||table_name command from sys.tables where schema_name='_SYS_STATISTICS' and is_user_defined_type='TRUE' union select 'drop table '||schema_name||'.'||table_name||' cascade' command from sys.tables where schema_name='_SYS_STATISTICS' and is_user_defined_type='FALSE' ; BEGIN for cmd as c do exec cmd.command; end for; end; call deletestatistics(); drop procedure deletestatistics;
3.2. Enable statistics server
alter system alter configuration ('nameserver.ini','SYSTEM') set ('statisticsserver','active')='true' with reconfigure;
3.3. Check whether statistics server enabled successfully
select value from _SYS_STATISTICS.STATISTICS_PROPERTIES where key = 'internal.installation.state';
If ESS enabled successfully, you will be able to see result like below:
Done (okay) since YYYY-MM-DD 07:58:26.1720000 local time:YYYY-MM-DD 16:58:26.1720000
Useful notes:
2343366 – How to solve alert ‘statistics server has been disabled’?
2644242 – HANA Statistics server has been disabled after upgrade.