SAP Solution Manager 7.2 (CHaRM) – restrict the transaction types when creating an RfC with Web UI

During using the SM_CRM or CRM_UI transaction to create a new change document (RfC) sometimes You can see long list of different types of transactions:

How can we limit the list – for example only to the ZMMJ type? Follow these steps:

  1. In SPRO transaction, navigate to: SAP Reference IMG > SAP Solution Manager > Capabilities (Optional) > Change Control Management > Transactions > Define Transaction Types.
  2. Find the Transaction Type to be disabled, e.g. SMAD (at the bottom of the screen You can find “Position…” button – use it to search).
  3. Select the line and in the column: “Inactive” select the appropriate option from the list:

4. Proceed in the same way with other types of transactions, which You want to disable.

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