SAP Java – changing instance name after refreshing the system with production data
In the following scenario, we’ll focus on changing the instance name (SID). The data of the SAP Java test instance will be replaced with data from the production system. The database refresh process itself will be the subject of a separate article.
At this moment, we will focus on the steps that should be taken after such a refresh of the database, on the server where we have the JAVA instance running. Let’s assume that:
- test Java instance name is “TST”, host: test01, instance numbers: J47 and SCS46;
- the name of the production JAVA instance is “PRD”, host: prod01, instance numbers J47 and SCS46;
- before refreshing, the TST system was embedded on NetWeaver 7.4, while the production system was already in NetWeaver 7.5;
- the TST instance has been overwritten with data from the PRD system.